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Dynamite Stocks Trading Blog
August 30, 2018
Cautiously Long
I have a bunch of long positions on in my account. I'm as lean as I can be though with about 50% in cash. I am short XRT Retail with EMT...
August 28, 2018
Found a Net-Net
I found a deep value net-net (net current asseets - total liabilities) this week. The company is O2Micro International (OIIM). It has net cu...
August 10, 2018
Follow Me On Twitter
I'm very active on Twitter these days. I've been onto some great small-caps lately with BGSF and CVSI I alerted at 2.00 recently. I ...
May 24, 2017
Is Bitcoin Stock a Good Buy?
The online currency Bitcoin has seen its price skyrocket lately. This has spawned a lot of other cryptocurrencies and over the counter stock...
April 21, 2017
Market Direction, ETF's
Major stock market indices continue to consolidate. It is prudent to diversify and take some risk off. Instead of traditional hedging strata...
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