My site is up for
review on Investimonials now. Investimonials is a new site for honest user reviews on anything financial from books, brokers to blogs. There's not a lot of transparency in the finance niche and I think this site might have some promise for providing it to newbies.
If you want to take a minute
review my blog hereI haven't been posting in this blog as much lately because I am posting my trading stuff on now. I'm still going to blog about fundamentals and macro stuff on Stock Pursuit like I have been recently. It just won't be every week and that often but rather when I feel like blogging on something like I did on the Buffett Burlington purchase. Google webmaster was showing that post got linked to from the Huffington Post and a Buffett focused blog.
Also, if the market has a serious correction(probably won't happen to soon) I'll throw up some of my net-net ideas here.
Upcoming PostI'm thinking about a macro play on commodities. More specifically, a play on exporting commodities from the United States. I'm going to do a blog post here on that shortly and will lay out my thesis and brainstorm some of the ways to play it.