Hello my loyal followers. I just set up a Patreon Page. Become a Patron here!
If you aren't familiar with it I will tell you a little about it. You can also read about it here. It allows content creators like myself to run a subscription membership. It takes donations that are recurring and billed monthly. That said I will not be changing anything I have been doing or going subscription only at this time. My intent on setting this up is to simply take donations for my continued work on this blog and Twitter. I am very active on my Twitter and continue to post a lot of great alerts. All of my posts and everything will stay public and by donating monthly you will simply be supporting my efforts. At some time in the future I may start cranking out a ton of content on a paid membership only tier that I could post value stocks on like I used to do with net current asset and net tangible asset value stocks and another with trading alerts.