You might want to just bookmark and check the blog every morning to catch fresh posts. For me atleast Feedburner email posts tend to be late a lot. I get my own posts with email feed to make sure the feed keeps working ok and sometimes the posts will come in up to one or two days late.
I'm going to boast a little on how well stocks I put up on this blog have done lately. I'd imagine if you all were watching these you might have commented. But then again since I started to find my groove these past few months in many different strategies I guess great picks are more common now. Boasting how well my watches do probably gets a little old but this past week has been amazing as you are about to see. I'll cut down or cut out the praising my own picks in the future. If your new to the blog or are passively just reading I just want to give you the heads up. I find winners in all types of markets. Bull or bear. Unlike other pure value investors who are sucking their thumb right now trying to find potentials.
My financial picks from the other day which included GNW and HIG among others did amazing if you saw that. I mentioned NCT in that post just yesterday and it was one of the top gainers today 20% gain along with SPDE. Remember SPDE? SPDE was up 118% today! ARNA was in that watchlist to and it was up big after hours today. Both of these stocks ran after triangular consolidation. I knew ARNA was a good watch because of how it has run in the past. It likes to squeeze shorts too. ARNA was the stock I predicted and won Timothy Sykes price target contest with.
I made a statement some months back that this is the best blog for net-net(net current asset) ideas. In 2009 I had 25 winning net-net picks and 4 losers. Since all of those were just ideas I measured their performance as if someone bought them the day after they first appeared on the blog and held through the stocks runs. With most of the ideas it would have been hard to lose money because you just had to wait for some gain and sell. Someone didn't think those picks were good and mentioned as the best site for net-nets even though my ideas went on for the biggest percentage gains. Remember I found PIR at rock bottom among other gainers. Well, so far it is looking like I might not even have to separate this blog from the small handful of other top net-net blogs maybe. I left a comment in Greenbackd's post because they were asking for comments on the market.
EDIT: apparently, Greenbackd comments section posts newer comments at the top of the comments where I never expected them to show up. Disregard the next paragraph.
I tried to post a comment that I thought the last couple decades was fantasy so it is very likely the indices will not see new highs for a very long time. I also said check out ADPT because the activists are getting busier in that stock. I tried to post the comment because I thought it was appropriate and with good intentions. The comment form had a standard name entry space and url. I used my name and the url to my blog. Their blog has moderator approval on for comments and for some reason they have yet to approve my comment. If they don't want people using a url along with their name I don't see why they would even give that option. Do they not like intelligent comments? Are net-net comments inappropriate for a deep value site? Hmmm, I wonder why this site would be a threat to their readers? ; )
full disclosure:no positions