
December 23, 2022

Net Current Asset Stocks

As the market continues to be weak I am going to start looking for cheap stocks below net current asset value and net tangible asset value. I just ran a strict scan looking for super discounted assets. This is the first scan I have done in awhile for these as I never thought it would produce much in the most recent bull market. This scan is cherry picked from criteria of price-to-book value of .5 or less, long-term debt to equity less than .3 and return on equity over 1.

The most interesting ones are Vaccitech plc (VACC) with NCAV of $187 million and a market cap of $89 mil. VACC has postive earnings this year with $.22 last quarter and $.42 the quarter before that. Cash has been pretty stable the past year and currently it has $200 mil in cash.

We also have TD Holdings, Inc. (GLG) with $154 mil in NCAV and a market cap of $59 mil. Not as much cash as VACC as the large majority of the current assets are in account receivables. They had a couple recent slightly positive quarters of $.02 earnings per share and $.05. The stock has tried to bottom and has been sideways for months with support around $1.00 a share.